Recreating the Historic 1872 Illustrated Edition...
In 1872, legendary artist Gustave Doré and British journalist Blanchard Jerrold published an extraordinary portrait of Victorian London that lives on today as one of the most powerful illustrated books of the century and an irreplaceable historic document. From the highest society to the lowest depths, Doré's dramatic images brilliantly capture 19th century life in the first great modern metropolis.
- Leather-bound Deluxe Limited Edition. Limited to just 400 hand-numbered copies!
- All 180 illustrations by the great Gusatove Doré from the historic 1872 edition.
- 54 full-page plates, each protected by hand-applied tissue overlays.
- The original cover from the 1872 edition beautifully stamped in two colors.
- Two-color printing throughout.
- A custom-crafted slipcase for storage and display.
- A raised "hubbed" spine deeply embossed with genuine 22kt gold.
- Acid-neutral paper that will not crumble with age.
- Printed marble endsheets, Smyth-sewn pages.
11 3/4" x 14 3/4", 328pp